Sunday 26 May 2013

Week 21 - Labour

Yup - Week 20 (eyes) is missing.
It's a work in progress thanks to a model
that won't sit still.
I will get there!!!

Week 21 - labour: 
There's no shortage of labour in our house at the moment.....
from painting, to unpacking boxes, 
to finally have cleaning products back in the house -
it's all go go go as our rennovations 
finally come to an end.

This week's pic:


Wednesday 15 May 2013

Week 19 - self portrait

Self portrait - who on earth dreamed up this for a theme?

In one sense, it's nice to put a face to the other photogs doing this challenge.
On the other hand........Self portrait?! REALLY?

I had a few problems on this one
1) Inspiration
2) Execution
(Kind of major factors when it comes to taking photos!)

In the end it came down to me, the camera,
a sunny Sunday afternoon, our backyard and very dirty mirrors.

Our house is nearing the end of 
more than 2 months of renovations 
and our large mirrors have been stashed in a corner collecting dust.
Unfortunately all our cleaning products are in boxes down stairs....
thus I only had dirty mirrors to work with.

My final choice for week 19:


And a few other ideas:

Sunday 5 May 2013

Week 18 - nature

This week's theme was nature...
And Mother Nature kindly played ball.

I had hoped to get a photo of Sarah splashing in the puddles,
making the most of Mother Nature.
But I was way to chicken to take the camera outside
and try and hold the camera in one hand
and the umbrella in the other.

So I relied on the shelter under the back deck for this week's photo
and my phone for a photo of Sarah making the most of puddles....

This week's pic:

Rain in slow motion - Mother Nature at her best on Saturday afternoon.


Other pics from this week:

(Rain does crazy things 
when you slow the camera settings down!)


 Puddle splashing 
- what a great way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Week 17 - from a high angle

This one had me a little stumped....I knew what I wanted to achieve, 
but it took a little while to fnd a set up 
and composition I was happy with.

In the end, our dear boy Fletcher played ball....

What a dog will do for treats.......

And a few others:

Week 16 - animals

This week included a visit to Western Springs....
Turns out there are plenty of animals there!!

A few more images from our visit: